Kepler Shipyards


Space Activity Suit

The current common space suit is no longer capable of providing support for the wide ranging missions Mankind will soon be tasked with; they are large, complicated, bulky, and difficult to move in. Kepler is solving this problem with a common core “pressure liner” that can be worn as a daily wear uniform, and can be reconfigured with armour and PLSS (Portable Life Support System) to match the mission at hand.

SAS: Space Activity Suit

This is the suit commonly thought of as the Space Suit. it will be used for all on-orbit activities.

Martian Excursion Suit

The Martian Excursion suit is meant for up to a week durations on the Martian surface. This suit will not include the advanced medical support systems found in the Expedition grade suit.

Martian Expedition Suit

The Martian Expedition suit is meant for much longer durations on the Martian surface.

Asteroid Operation Suits

In addition to the SAS common core’s ballistic armour and solar shielding, the Asteroid exploration and mining suit will also integrate the armour of the Lunar and Martian surface suits and more advanced grappling tools designed for the target asteroid.

Jump Suit

We’re not talking about 1970s fashion. We’re talking about a protective suit designed for jumping onto a planet’s surface from the outer atmosphere—the Earth’s, Mars’s, wherever. This has immediate practical applications: the OpenLuna project plans to use the as-yet untried sport of spacediving (parachuting from space) to return their explorers back to Earth’s surface. This will require a suit that is specifically configured for this purpose from the Kepler Space Activity Suit common core.