Kepler Shipyards


These are systems that grow plants and fish in the same system using water as the common link, optimizing the use of water by carrying fish waste to fertilize plants before delivering clean water back to the fish. All units will have remote monitoring capabilities to keep track of light requirements, water parameters and levels including temperature, pH, O2, electrical conductivity.

Feeding systems for both plants and fish will also be monitored and automated, including the detection of fish and plant stress hormones and waste. The units will notify operators in the event intervention is needed to correct deviations from the normal operating parameters. Communication from and instructions to the units will be done via an internet of things (IoT) embedded system that can be accessed through a localized website, a mobile app, and/or via a smart home system.

Aquaponic systems are great for growing protein, grains, vegetables and fruits. Currently, aquaponic systems on Earth are not always run at high efficiency to minimize waste and energy usage, simply because there is no direct requirement or need to. This should not stop us from developing systems that are resource efficient, green and as close to zero emission and self sustainability as possible.

Kepler is solving this problem by looking at several self-contained solutions including semi-automation, remote monitoring and control, alternative power generation, as well as feeding and water remediation methods. These aquaponic modules will be utilized not only to grow food for spacefarers, but to also generate energy, replenish O2, recycle waste, and provide green space for the soul.

These solutions will be available as options in our commercial, backyard, and countertop scale models; the commercial and backyard models are intended for deployment on marginal or non-agricultural land in order to both allow for the preservation of existing agricultural land and to increase sufficiency for food security in remote locations as well as in apartments or backyards for families.